YHS Talks: Students Share Their Personal Stories

On Friday, November 30, in our first YHS Talks of the year, four students shared their personal stories. Amneet, Grade 11, shared the importance of being inclusive; Layla, in Grade 8, made all of us laugh with her stories of cats and culture living in Dubai; Fiona, Grade 12, informed our community on the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes; and Justine, Grade 11, told us to “Just do it!” when determining what path you want to follow in life. We are looking forward to the next YHS Talks on Friday, March 1. 

YHS Talks

On Friday, February 23 we held our second “YHS Talks”. The students listed below spoke on topics that are important to them. Each student spoke eloquently about her own experience or journey and the entire student body sat riveted by the sincerity and thoughtfulness of each individual’s story. Many of us laughed, cried, and then celebrated the incredible courage these young women showed to get on stage and share so much about themselves. Thank you to all of you; you are incredible role models in our community. We look forward to more YHS Talks in the future. There is a great deal to learn from each and every one of you!