Grade 3 and 4 African Drumming Workshop

Grades 3 and 4 participated in a high-energy African drumming workshop with visiting musician Fana Soro. Fana is an internationally-acclaimed musician from the Ivory Coast. He taught the girls the “djembe”, West Africa’s most popular drum.

Part of the French program is to learn about French-speaking countries around the world. This workshop allowed the girls to use French to communicate with someone from another country while learning how to play the “djembe”. Fana also shared his call and response songs in his mother tongue of Senoufo.

It was fun interacting with Fana in French, and to laugh with him while discovering his culture. Merci Fana!

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YHS Talks

We held our second YHS Talks of the year on Friday, March 1. Five students spoke on topics important to them. Each spoke eloquently about her own experience or journey and the entire student body sat riveted by the sincerity and thoughtfulness of each individual’s story. Many of us laughed, cried, and then celebrated the incredible courage these young women showed to get on stage and share so much about themselves. Thank you to all of you; you are incredible role models in our community. There was a great deal to learn from each and every one of you!

Olivia, Grade 11 – The Art of Optimism

Cathy, Grade 11 – Losing A Loved One: Taking Care of Grief and Loss

Sydney, Grade 12 – Dealing with Stress and Anxiety in High School

Maddie, Grade 11 – Body Image & Disordered Eating

Chloe, Grade 11 – Lessons Learned as a Pilot