All Grade 7s contributed to this stop motion animation project. The girls hand drew each image (as few as six and as many as 52) and then scanned them individually. The choice of what they were going to animate was completely up to them. Once scanned, they imported the scanned images into iMovie and adjusted the frame rate to create a loopable animation. It was lot of work! The final step was Mr. Camp “sewing” it all together and putting music to it. See the result:
International Women’s Day Walk
On Friday, March 4th, our Community Service Team organized a “Community Day” in honour of International Women’s Day. All students, faculty and staff participated in the Community Day, which included a fundraiser for Care Canada and a reflective walk.
Just prior to the walk, the Senior School held an assembly which featured a reading of Audre Lorde’s poem “A Litany of Survival”, and an original work by Tammy, Gr. 10, called “What Does it Mean to Be a Woman?” Following the assembly, the whole school warmed up on the field. The Grade 11 and 12s were once again paired up with their Grade 1-3 “buddy” for the walk.
Watch the video below from Care Canada to see why we are “walking in her shoes”.