Meet the 2022-23 Annual Giving Committee

Annual Giving Committee Members 2022-23
Left to Right: Viola Zhu, Tracy Ji, Helen Shen, Jennifer Sirounis, Shannon Chung (co-chair), Monica Li

Every year, a dedicated group of volunteers partner with the Advancement team to help increase community participation in the Annual Giving Campaign.

The Annual Giving committee plays a key role in building energy and support for the campaign. Throughout the year they give their time to connect with our families and share information about the positive impact of donations to the school. Activities include taking part in phone-a-thons and volunteering at our annual YHS Day of Giving — this year taking place on May 25 (save the date!).

We are extremely grateful to our enthusiastic parent volunteers for supporting our goal of 100% participation and raising funds for important equipment, resources, and programming that benefits every York House student.

If you have yet to make a contribution to the Annual Giving Campaign, please consider supporting us online through — every gift makes a difference! If you have already made a donation this year — thank you for your generosity!

Are you interested in joining the Annual Giving Committee? Questions about the Annual Giving Campaign? Please reach out to Daphne Ho, Annual Giving & Donor Relations Officer, at [email protected].

Annual Giving Committee Members:

Behnaz Alijani, Ed Barnes, Shannon Chung (co-chair), Tommy He, Tracy Ji, Monica Li, Lynette Ng, Dean O’Leary, Matthew Philips, Jasmine Sethi, Helen Shen, Phoenix Shih (co-chair), Jennifer Sirounis, Mandy Wang,  Alicia Winter, Danielle Wu, Yoga Yu, Sabrina Zhang, Viola Zhu, and Zena Zou.

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Junior Fun-a-Rama!

On Friday, March 3, all of the students in Grades 3 to 7 participated in the Fun-a-Rama House Event. Fun-a-rama is an annual competition where each House builds teams for a variety of relays, obstacle courses, and other exciting events. Throughout the event, every student will represent their house several times. Our Grade 7 House Leaders are the key planners and organizers of this massively fun event. For nearly two hours Rand Gymnasium was rocking with the music, cheering, stomping, and clapping that come with outstanding spirit and sportsmanship. After it was all said and done, a big congratulations goes out to Cypress for claiming the Fun-a-Rama trophy and 50 points towards the House Shield!