
The girls kicked off the school year with the house event Sports-a-Rama. Students and staff get in the spirit and get dressed up in their house colours (yes, we give prizes for best costume!) and take part in relay games including Dress-the-Teacher, Tug-of-War and a water balloon toss.

Each YHS student and staff member is a member of one of four houses named after First Nations tribes: Iroquois (red), Algonquin (blue), Nootka (green) and Huron (yellow).

Graduating Tigers

2010 Graduating Tigers with the AA blue banner

The 2010 graduating class is a special one.

I coached them in Grade 7 and knew then that this group would do great things. They worked hard, made an enormous commitment and in the end, achieved their goals. These girls demonstrated the character needed to succeed in life. They performed like champs when the pressure was greatest – this will no doubt prepare them for the times in life when they will face tough situations.

Congratulations to the Grade 12 Tigers. Thank you for all your contributions and commitment you made and success you achieved. You have again raised the bar of excellence in a program that has excelled for over 10 years. Thank you for being a huge part of our tradition that never graduates!

David Prissinotti
Athletics Director