Highlights from Senior Ensemble Night

Our Senior students put on two outstanding shows for our annual year-end music concerts. The Junior ensembles performed on Tuesday, May 23rd, and our Senior ensembles had a chance to showcase on the evening of Wednesday, May 24th.

Senior Ensemble Night featured Ragazza, Chorista, the String Club, Jazz Band, and the Senior Concert Band. The co-ed choir, with students from Vancouver College, also performed. It was a treat to hear the tenors and basses mixed with our girls’ voices. It was an emotional evening for our graduating students as it was their last time performing together. The graduating girls came together for the finale to perform “For Good”, a fitting tribute to the lifelong friendships they have made.

Congratulations and a big thank you to Music Heads Jalisa, Fiona, Elizabeth, and Lucie, and to Music Directors Mr. Gueulette and Ms. Christiansen, for putting on two fabulous evenings of music!

Watch the highlights in this playlist from the Senior Ensemble night:

See the highlights from the Jazz Night here.

Highlights From Sr. Ensemble Night

Our Senior students put on two fantastic shows for our annual winter music concerts. There was an eclectic mix of pieces, both traditional and contemporary. The Junior ensembles performed on Tuesday, November 22nd, and the Senior ensembles followed the next night, on the 23rd. All our ensembles had a chance to showcase, including select soloists.

Watch a few of the highlights from the Senior Ensemble Night, and see the photos below: