Congratulations, Drama Yorkies!

A huge congratulations goes out to all Drama 10, 11 and 12 students who performed at the Thespys Festival. It was clear that they were among some of the best performers at the festival, taking home seven Superior Ribbons and three Excellent Ribbons in all categories of Acting, including Monologues, Duets and Group Scenes, and Musical Theatre solo pieces.

Special mention goes out to the following students who received Superior and Excellent Ribbons:

  • Monologues: Lucy (Gr. 11), Storm (Gr. 12), and Yirui (Gr. 12) [Superior]
  • Duet Acting: Emilie (Gr. 12), and Sophie (Gr. 10) [Excellent]
  • Group Acting: Parker (Gr. 10),  Lucy (Gr. 11), Maddie (Gr. 11), and Storm (Gr. 11 [Superior]
  • Group Acting: Amanda Donaldson-McFarlane (Gr. 12) and Saint Georges Students [Superior]
  • Group Acting: Sarah (Gr. 12), Yirui (Gr. 12), and Kennedy (Gr. 12) [Excellent]
  • Group Acting: Kate (Gr. 10), Lucy (Gr. 10) and Sophia (Gr. 10) [Excellent]
  • Musical Theatre Solos: Parker (Gr. 10); Amanda (Gr. 12), and Emilie (Gr. 12 [Superior]
  • Kai (Gr. 10), Natalie (Gr. 10) and Nicole (Gr. 10) are also to be congratulated on what was an awesome performance – well done, everyone!

ALL students performed at an extremely high level and Mr. Chyzyk and I couldn’t be prouder of them.

Kiera Louis
Drama Teacher

2022 Capstone at YHS: Inspiring Students to Learn, Engage, Grow, and Create

As a part of our new Wellness Wednesday model at York House School, the Grade 12s presented their final Capstone Projects to the Senior School on Wednesday, October 5, with great passion, excitement, and with pride. The YHS Capstone is an independent, student-selected, and student-driven project that extends beyond the walls of the classroom. Working with an advisor and a mentor, Capstone inspires students to learn, engage, grow, and create with curiosity and with purpose. 

We saw and heard an incredible range of projects that stimulated lively conversations that continued to echo in the hallways long after the presentations were done. One of the projects is from Angela who realized the impact COVID has on small businesses and so for her Capstone, she designed an online, digital magazine to help provide marketing for Asian-Canadian-owned businesses in Vancouver and to share their stories. 

For her Capstone, Yael developed her own almond butter business called, The Lovely Spoonfulful, which was inspired by her mission to find a safe healthy food option for people with IBD. Yael sold her almond butters online, at a local farmer’s market and donated some of the proceeds to the Crohns and Colitis Foundation. 

Olivia shared that she and her family lost her grandfather just over a year ago and so for her Capstone, she composed a historical piece of music that documented the 92 years of her Grandfather’s life. Olivia created two distinct elements that were woven together to tell his story: a 5-part musical opus, and a matching 5-part photographic accompaniment, with each part having its own significance to the story of her Grandfather. Olivia said that “Capstone gave me the opportunity to celebrate him, keep his memory alive and bring joy, closure and meaning to our loss.” 

Capstone is an incredible opportunity for students to drive their own learning, share it with others, and make an impact in their community and the world around them. The Class of 2023 truly demonstrated that last week. They showed us that Yorkies pursue their goals, that they follow their passions, and that they find deep meaning and purpose in something personally relevant to them. 

Jaclyn Murray
Career-Life Connections & Capstone Coordinator