Kidsafe Christmas

Kidsafe Tutors
Kidsafe Tutors

15 York House students have been heading to Queen Alexandra School every Tuesday after-school since September. In their role as KidSafe volunteers, they assist students with their homework, help them with their projects and are there to just listen and talk. Our students have done a superb job… showing patience, kindess, support and friendship.

According to Mr. Lee, a Grade 7 teacher at Queen Alexandra School, the YHS tutors “have made an amazing difference. The kids understand Math better and are trying harder than they did before.”

Kidsafe Christmas
Kidsafe Christmas

We have a special group of students who have made this weekly commitment, some like Alison, Azzra and Kimberly, who are in their second year. There is time for work and time for having fun… here the students are enjoying a year-end Christmas party in which our students provided homemade treats and brought a gift for their buddy that they chose themselves.

We all look forward to working with our Queen Alexandra friends in 2012!

Lynne Stanger
Director of Global Programs and Service-Learning

Students from Ghana Visit YHS

Beatrice, Faiza, Gladys and Fayudatu try on their Tigers hoodies
Beatrice, Faiza, Gladys and Fayudatu try on their new Tigers hoodies

Faiza, Beatrice, Fayudatu and Gladys from Northern Ghana spent the day with us on Tuesday… sharing stories about life in Ghana, their families, their struggles to afford to stay in school and their future aspirations as they pursue university.

They are visiting Vancouver as part of a ‘For Our Daughters‘ tour supported by an organization called Create Change, founded by former YHS student Shannen O’Brian. Their message was powerful, their strength was palpable and their commitment and drive were inspiring.

If you wish to learn more and/or support education for girls in Ghana, Shannen would like to extend a complimentary ticket to all YHS parents, students and alum to a ‘For Our Daughters’ event at the Vogue Theatre on November 23 at 7 pm. If you wish to receive a ticket, please email or call Lynne Stanger at [email protected] or at 604.730.2406.

Girls from Ghana Visit YHS
Girls from Ghana Visit YHS