Junior Tigers Update: February 16, 2023

The Grade 5 basketball team participated in the ISEA Basketball Playdays on St. Valentine’s day this week. With 31 students from YHS, the Tigers were well represented in both quantity and quality. To maximize everyone’s time on the court, our coaches divided the students into four teams. Each team played 4-5 games, and there were plenty of tired Tigers by the end of the day. Some games were won, some games were lost, but more importantly, the Tigers gained a lot of basketball experience that will serve them well next year in Grade 6. Congratulations to Mulgrave School for hosting such a big event (226 students, 30 coaches). Finally, a huge THANK YOU to Ms. Kanavos and Ms. Anthony for their time and expertise in leading the team. 

The Grade 6 basketball team participated in the ISEA Playday on Wednesday, February 15 at the Richmond Olympic Oval. The Tigers were very excited to play multiple games in one day. Although there are only 14 players in this group, they are very keen and, no surprise, pretty good at basketball. It has been a pleasure watching this team work hard on their fundamental skills and team play. Congratulations on an excellent season and of course, a big THANK YOU to Mr. Bester for his continued leadership and coaching acumen. 

Both Grade 7 teams had a good week of practice and are looking forward to their ISEA Tournaments next week.

The Swim Team will be participating in the ISEA Swimming Championships on Thursday, February 16. The team is a top contender for the title of Girls’ Team Champion, but results will not be finalized until later in the week. We look forward to bringing you some great results next week.

We are very pleased to let you know that three different groups will be organizing and operating their sessions out of the YHS facilities. As these programs will take place on our campus, YHS students will have an advanced opportunity to enroll. These programs will take place during Term 3, and begin after Spring Break. If you are interested in securing a spot we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible. Please log in to myYHS for registration links for these opportunities.

Split Second Basketball:

    • Grades 4 – 6, Fridays, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
    • Grades 7 – 9, Fridays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Smash Volleyball:

    • Grades 4 – 5, Session 1: Thursdays, 3:30 – 5:00 pm [SESSION IS NOW FULL]
    • Grades 4-5, Session 2: Thursdays, 5:15-6:45 pm [SESSION IS NOW OPEN]
    • Grades 6 – 7, Thursdays, 5:15 – 6:45 pm

Polar Bears Field Hockey:

    • Grades 3 – 5, Fridays, 3:30 – 5:00 pm
    • Grades 6 – 7, Fridays, 5:15 – 6:45 pm

Junior Tigers Update: February 9, 2023

It has been a tremendous season for our four basketball teams. After playing in several exhibition games both our Grade 5 and Grade 6 teams will be heading to their respective ISEA Basketball Playdays next week. The Grade 5 team will travel with their coaches (Ms. Kanavos and Ms. Anthony) over to Mulgrave School on Tuesday, February 14. The Tigers will be divided into four teams and each will participate in an awesome basketball event that will include over 225 players from 14 schools! No doubt the Tigers will roar, and then head home for a well-deserved rest. The Grade 6 Tigers, led by Mr. Bester, will be participating in the ISEA Playday at the Richmond Olympic Oval on Wednesday, February 15. This premier venue has been the site of many ISEA events, and we are super excited to return after a two-year hiatus. Good luck Tigers!

Our two Grade 7 teams have their final league games next Monday, February 13. This will be our final home game of the school year, and we hope lots of fans come out and cheer! Both teams are jockeying for a good position in the league standings as we prepare for the ISEA Tournaments on Thursday, February 23. On that day, the 7B team will be playing at WPGA and the 7A will be travelling over to Collingwood School. Good luck to our Grade 7s!

After our start date was delayed, the Swim Team finally got their practices underway on January 9. It was a wonderful start, and we are thankful for everyone’s patience. However, the late start meant we had to be very organized and prepared as the first meet took place on January 23, and that was followed by our second swim meet on February 3. Thank goodness for our coaches who had our athletes well organized and prepared. The students had a great time, swimming fast, learning protocols and cheering each other onwards and upwards. As a team, the Tigers placed exceptionally well, finishing second overall in both meets. The season wraps up next week with the ISEA Swimming Championships on Thursday, February 16 at Watermania in Richmond.