For the second straight year, our Tigers Tennis Team took home the ISA Championship after defeating Crofton House (CHS) in the final. The tournament was on April 19 at UBC Tennis Centre. The Tigers, led by Coach Bester, defeated Brentwood, St Michaels University School (SMUS), and West Point Grey (WPGA) before facing CHS in the finals. Congratulations to our Tigers!

Our Tigers Badminton Team travelled to SMUS on April 20 to compete at the ISA Championships. Our young Tigers Team played a lot of badminton competing against ISA schools from all over BC. It was a very long day as return ferries were delayed due to the weather. The team had lots of time for bonding waiting hours at Swartz Bay and arriving home just before midnight. They played well in their matches and had a successful day.
The YHS Varsity Soccer Team also took part in the ISA Championship Tournament this past week. The Tigers travelled to SMUS in Victoria for the two-day event. After a hard-fought 2-1 loss to the host SMUS, YHS went on to defeat WPGA, Brentwood College, and CHS to take home the bronze medals. Our Varsity Tigers finished off their regular season league matches today vs Little Flower. Regardless of the outcome today, YHS locked up first place in the LMISSAA league and will play in the league championship match next week. The following week, our Tigers will compete at the Vancouver Sea to Sky Zone Championships.