York House Gay-Straight Alliance Hosts Its First Inter-School Social!
The Gay-Straight Alliance had its first social gathering on February 9th in the Bentley Room. A Gay-Straight Alliance is a group of students and teachers that gathers together to promote acceptance and tolerance within our school as well as in our community.
The York House GSA met up with other GSA clubs and other schools who are looking forward to forming their own Gay Straight Alliances. Schools participating included St. George’s, Crofton House, and Fraser Academy.
We started off by playing GSA Jeopardy, made pizza together, and ended with a discussion about York House’s GSA. We discussed what schools do in a GSA, how we maintain our GSA, and how other schools can start one of their own.
This was a fun and educational experience that we will be sure to continue in the future! St. George’s is already planning to host the next one!
Sophie M. & Justine U.
GSA Heads