New 2012-13 Student Executive

Senior girls gathered for a special forum assembly on Tuesday morning for Election Week.

There was stiff competition for all roles, including a record number vying for position of Head Girl. Ballots were cast on Wednesday and Thursday morning (second round of votes for Head Girl), and election results were announced Thursday, end of day.

During the forum, the panel fielded a series of prepared questions followed by an impromptu round. Staff and students had the chance to learn a little more about the candidates:

  • Being the youngest of three sisters, Amy recommends that incoming Grade 8 students get involved: “there are so many opportunities, take advantage and try new things.”
  • Andrea’s proudest Moment as a Yorkie was representing YHS with the Senior Concert Band in Eastern Europe: “the beautiful cathedrals were amazing.”
  • Breanna thinks the greatest challenge facing Yorkies today is time management: “It’s really important to use your agenda and prioritize.” Serena says, “don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.”
  • Jenny thinks she’d be a valuable asset to the exec team as she’s “quite calm, organizes things quite well and can bring humor to Monday’s assemblies!”
  • Amabel says she smiles to “brighten the mood” as a way of contributing to the York House Community on a daily basis.
  • Keira says that the advantage of being a member of an all female student body is that she “is given the opportunity to pursue my interests without fear of judgement and can speak up in class.”
  • Madeleine looks up to Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF: “She is a women of intelligence and poise heading an international organization.” Keira is inspired by her mom: “She’s involved in so many different things, but doesn’t neglect the needs of herself or someone else.”
  • Poljanka says that as a member of the new exec she would establish a new Spirit Day in Term 2. Breanna shared the idea of having a “giant hide-and-seek with the entire school all at once.” Vanessa would like to see a new Spirit Day after recitations that incorporates “winter themed activities such as a snow man competition”.
  • Mercedes says that to be an effective team leader, you have to “know when to draw the line, be a good public speaker and delegator.”
  • Vanessa wants to be Vice Head because “she loves this school and wants to give back.”
  • As Head Girl, Andrea says the impression she’d want to leave with someone watching assembly is “what a great community we have.”

Congratulations to the new Student Executive for 2012-13:

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Head Girl – Andrea
Vice Head Girl  – Vanessa
Community Service Captain – Mercedes
Community Service Captain – Libby
House Captain (Iroquois) – Jenna
House Captain (Algonquin)  – Danielle
House Captain (Nootka)  – Katie
House Captain (Huron)  – Shayna
Class President 12A  – Sophie
Class President 12H – Janet
Class President 12I – Denice
Class President 12N – Consuela

Pennies for a Purpose: Recycle your Pennies for Model UN Project

Pennies for a Purpose: Model UN Project2011-2012 Model UN Initiative
Prove your Potential: Pennies for a Purpose

Every year, as a conclusion to the class and the programme, the Model UN group engages in a project of some kind to take their learning outside of the classroom to potentially make an impact on somebody, somewhere, somehow.

In the federal government’s budget, delivered in March, it was announced that the 1 cent or penny coin will no longer be produced by the Canadian Mint and will be phased out of public circulation over time. It costs 1.6 cents to produce each penny, to the tune of $11 million a year, for a coin that no one really uses. However, we can put it to good use before it disappears. And we can use it in a way that can involve the whole school. The proposal is to offer “penny recycling” in the junior and senior schools over a 2 week period (April 16-27) as a way of raising funds for this project. And if a few nickels, dimes, quarters, loonies or twoonies happen to fall into the recycling bins that will be placed around the school then so be it.

It is hoped that enough pennies / coins will be collected so that we can then use that to purchase food items to assemble into lunch bags (sandwich, apple and juice box) to distribute in the Downtown East Side on Wednesday May 2nd.

In the end, it is hoped that, in a world where issues and problems can seem overwhelming and complex, students will use this opportunity to experience and to realize the power of that individual action has in making a difference in the world.

Mr. Abt

Please bring in your pennies!