Gr. 6 at Camp Summit

Grade 6 students Cathy and Arissa tell us about their trip to Camp Summit:

Gr. 6 at Camp Summit
Click for more photos from Camp Summit!

On September 23rd we left for the Grade 6 Outdoor Ed Camp; Camp Summit. We stayed there for three days and two nights.

During our stay at Camp Summit, we had some time for fun and also time for learning. Some of the activities that we participated in were mountain biking, high ropes, outdoor living skills, arts and crafts some archery and geocaching (a scavenger hunt).

Gr. 6 at Camp SummitThe staff at Camp Summit were so much fun and were very enthusiastic. They helped us in as many ways as possible, and they made sure we were having a blast. After dinner, we played multiple games of which all were very exciting and exhilarating – some were even a bit dangerous!

Overall, the girls of Grade 6 enjoyed Camp Summit a great deal, and this will be a memory we will all cherish forever.

Click here to view all the photos from Camp Summit.

By: Cathy and Arissa

The Last Maasai Warriors

Masai Warriors Presentation
Gr. 6s and 7s had some special guests in the classroom: Masai Warriors from Kenya.

The Grade 6s and 7s had two special visitors from the Me to We program.

Wilson and Jackson from the Maasai tribe in Kenya spoke about their experiences growing up to become Maasai warriors, as well as an educated people. They spoke about how Free The Children helped to build new schools for their village, and the growing importance of education in their community.

It was interesting to hear about their traditional Maasai customs, clothing, egalitarian structure, weapons, etc., as well as how they are graduate students of high school and college.

They donated a book to the school which details their experiences, called “The Last Massai Warriors”, as well as a club weapon and a “shuka”, a traditional cape type clothing item.

The girls had many questions for Jackson and Wilson. After the presentation the Grade 7s spent another 40 minutes connecting what they heard from Jackson and Wilson to what they are learning in Socials about hunter/gatherer societies and to what they are learing in Science about animal habitats.

Karen Webb
Grade 7 Teacher
