Junior Ensemble Night: Winter Concert

The Grade 7-9 bands and choirs took took to the stage on the evening of Tuesday, November 19th for the Jr. Ensemble Night. These Junior musicians have only had two months of practice, but they sounded great.  Mr. Johnston stopped by the Grade 7 music class the day after the performance, and he found the class and Mr. Bach going through the recordings like athletes going through game tape. Check out the highlights in the video clips below.

Also check out the highlights from the Senior Ensemble Night here.

YHS Hosts Australian Girls Choir

The Australian Girls Choir at the Sr. School Assembly on Wed. September 18, 2013.

YHS hosted the Australian Girls Choir this week. The AGC, considered to be the most accomplished girls choir in Australia, is currently on a tour of the US and Canada. York House was their first stop. Girls from our choirs Chorista and Bambina also had the chance to work with their 55 choristers on a song.

The AGC treated the the Senior School to a glorious performance during assembly on Wednesday. Catch the highlights of the performance in the video below. You can see our choir join them at the 8:31 mark.