Nevada Shadows Hillary

On Friday, January 20th, Nevada, Gr. 6, job shadowed Junior School Receptionist Hillary Wong. Nevada’s mom bid on this auction item at the Market Auction in October. Below is Nevada’s account of her special day, including lunch with Ms. Ruddy, Hillary, Mrs. Kealey and Jacqueline L, Gr. 3 (who was “Mrs. Kealey for a Day”).

Nevada & Jacqueline have lunch with Ms. Ruddy, Mrs. Kealey & Hillary
Nevada & Jacqueline have lunch with Ms. Ruddy, Mrs. Kealey & Hillary

I spent a day working as Hillary’s assistant in the Junior School office. When I started the day, I didn’t really understand what the job of the Junior School Assistant would be like, but I learned quickly.

The day started with the morning announcements which was one of the tasks I was looking forward to most. I re-stocked the teacher supply cabinet with office supplies. Then I sorted the Scholastic booklets for each classroom and delivered them. Unfortunately for me, that Friday wasn’t a busy phone day because I really enjoyed answering the phone. I faxed and photocopied whatever Hillary asked me to. I also cut out laminated business cards for Mrs. Harris.

Ten minutes before recess we made coffee and tea for the teachers so it was ready for their break. Before lunch Hillary gave me a tour of the Senior School and introduced me to the staff. There are so many staff in the senior school and it seems like the staff working on the special events are the busiest judging by how much paperwork was on their desks!

For lunch we ate in Ms. Ruddy’s office which I really liked because she has a great view of the school yard and of all the girls. We had a nice lunch of soup and panini.

Following lunch we processed the late students and this was a long procedure and I couldn’t help thinking that if everyone just came to school on time Hillary would not have to do this task. What a relief that would be for her.

I liked making the reminder phone calls for those parents who had things left in Hillary’s office. Soon after I made a good bye announcement and sadly my day with Hillary was over. Next time I wish it could be a week. Although there is a lot of running around and I was quite exhausted at the end of just one day.

Thank you to Ms. Kealey for arranging this day and to Ms. Addison for allowing me to take part, and most of all to Ms. Hillary who I have a whole new appreciation of because she knows everything and everyone, not just the girls but the parents too and she really keeps everything running smoothly.

Nevada G.
Grade 6

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