Margaux Kicks Off Coast-to-Coast Journey from YHS

IMG_0751Margaux and her mom Kara kicked-off their coast-to-coast ride from YHS on Monday, June 22. Margaux, Gr. 10, is cycling across the continent to raise funds for Katcham School, a United Worlds School in Cambodia. She hopes to raise $15,000, enough to fund the school for an entire year. Read more about Margaux here.

Family, friends, Yorkies, YHS faculty and staff came to see Margaux and her mom off and wish them well on their 65 day adventure. Teacher Tinker Allester joined them for the first day of their ride. Watch footage from the kick-off in this Breakfast Television clip.

Follow their journey on Twitter, Instagram and on Margaux’s blog. Margaux has already posted about Day One (stopping for meatballs at Ikea) and Day Two (first bear sighting!).

Donations can be made at

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