Head Lines: Spring 2020

I am always amazed to look at nature’s transformation as spring approaches. Spring is no doubt the season of new beginnings where fresh buds bloom, where mother nature awakens and where the earth comes to life again. 

Speaking of new beginnings, we are excited for construction to begin on our new STEAM lab in the Senior School at the very beginning of March break. As I shared with our families in the fall, we wish to provide increasing opportunities for our girls to engage in learning experiences that merge Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. It is interesting to note that girls are the most underrepresented in the T (Technology) and E (Engineering) parts of STEAM. 

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, women receive approximately 60% of all undergraduate degrees (associate and bachelor’s), however, they remain underrepresented in many STEM professions. While women receive 60% of biology and biomedical science degrees and 45% of mathematics degrees, less than 20% of engineering and computer science (and information science and support services) degrees are awarded to women. 

This is important for us to consider especially when technology and engineering are the sectors that represent a significant number of jobs in the future. Looking forward to the next generation of skills needed in society it is important for our girls to know how to apply design thinking principles when designing prototypes, solve problems through mathematical equations, or use scientific reasoning to deconstruct complex problems and develop solutions to address real-world issues.

I came across a quote from Marie Wilson, a women’s activist who states, “You can’t be what you can’t see.” That is why we are so focused on increasing STEAM-related learning experiences at York House School and creating increasing networks and learning experiences with community partners. Building on the success of our Junior School STEAM program we know that our girls are enthusiastic about STEAM and it is time to expand these opportunities at the Senior School. Yorkies love to get involved in projects that are social and involve collaboration and they especially care about the planet and making a social impact. We certainly are excited for construction to begin and look forward to having our new STEAM lab ready for the 2020-21 school year.

In the meantime, I want to wish all our YHS families a wonderful March break. With the globally evolving outbreak of COVID-19, we ask that you carefully consider your travel plans and hope that you have a healthy, restorative, and joyful time off with your family. 

