Employee Spotlight: Meredith Seymour

This is a new feature for our Yorkie eNews where in each issue we will feature new and veteran employees.

Meet Meredith Seymour, Social Studies Teacher

Meredith Seymour, Social Studies Teacher

What impresses you most about the students at York House School?
What impresses me most about students at York House is when their curiosity has been piqued by something that they’ve heard in a class, or from their peers, and they have gone out of their way to seek out more information about it. They show that they want to learn more and to understand how things work, how the world operates, or what motivates people. Their intellectual curiosity can be inspiring.

What impresses you about our community overall?
I’m always impressed by the high levels of parent support for the school’s programs, like our scholarship program. Parent involvement and support helps support teachers, students, and staff in the work we do at the school.

What are you most looking forward to at York House in the coming months?
I always look forward to the Vancouver Model United Nations conference in January that YHS has participated in for many years. This year, we’re taking a large delegation, with a lot of newcomers to MUN, and it’s great to see students challenge themselves to speak in a committee, or to take a controversial position, and to see the sense of accomplishment written across their faces once they’ve done it!

What is something that people might not know about you that you would like to share?
I am a stationery-sticker-post-it note-fanatic and I love visiting paper shops and stationery boutiques whenever I travel. The best spots I’ve encountered so far are in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and, of course, the local treasure Paper-Ya, in Granville Island.

Employee Spotlight: Chris Cropley

This is a new feature for our Yorkie eNews where in each issue will we feature new and veteran employees.

Meet Chris Cropley, Social Studies Teacher

Chris Cropley, Social Studies Teacher

What impresses you most about the students at York House School?
Other than their work ethic and dedication to achieve excellence, I have been most impressed with how talented and proficient the students are at multiple activities ranging from athletics, music, drama, to academics. Lastly, I am impressed with the kindness towards each other and their teachers. They also have a good sense of what is genuine.

What impresses you about our community overall?
The multitude of activities that go on at our school truly boggles my mind until I look around at the dedicated staff, support staff and students, and then I get it, well a little more.

What are you most looking forward to at York House in the coming months?
I am always most excited about teaching all the interesting upcoming units that will continue to unravel the treasures of history to my students – hopefully! Likewise, I am always excited about the upcoming Soccer season. However, this year has for me the added anticipation of our school trip to Germany and Poland, which will focus on history, culture and some substantial aid for those in need. The trip which is set for March will be an experience of a lifetime for our students and in preparing them with some background readings, I hope that they will get even more out of it.

What is something that people might not know about you that you would like to share?That I do not wear vests on the weekend! On a more serious note, that I am a very sentimental soul.