Employee Spotlight: Jenn Skelding

We are pleased to introduce our new Employee Spotlight section where you have an opportunity to read from some of York House School’s newest additions.

Meet Jenn Skelding, Assistant Director, Junior School

Jenn Skelding, Assistant Director, Junior School

What has impressed you most about the students at York House School?
The young women of York House are articulate, confident, creative and kind. In the classroom, playing four-square on the yard, or on the volleyball court, I notice that our girls demonstrate respect for others and love to laugh together. I have enjoyed observing them settle into a new school year with a joy for learning. Many young mathematicians excitedly tell me that math is their favourite subject and I have seen our girls persevere through an excellent struggle to solve a problem. I am looking forward to many “ah ha!” or “light bulb moments” as our girls discover their limitless capacity to enact change through critical thinking and innovation!

What inspires you most about school leadership?  
I love to learn. I have been a leader of learning for 23 years. To some, that seems like a long time in school! What I have come to realize is that every year, I have a new opportunity to begin afresh! There are always new learners looking back at me. Young, or young-at-heart, there is always something new to learn and new relationships to build. As a leader of learning, I want people to feel safe, respected and that we are always moving forward, knowing more, and doing better. School is a place of synergy! When people come together motivated to learn in a purposeful way – anything is possible! To this end, YHS 2030 is what drew me to York House and speaks to my heart: “Our mission is to empower young women to be active global citizens with the courage to act on their beliefs and make a difference.”

What are you most looking forward to at York House in the coming months?
I am cherishing this time making connections and building relationships. I value the conversations I have had getting to know our girls. I look forward to connecting with parents on the King Ed Lay-by and school events. Learning alongside our teachers offers me a glimpse into their passion and their heart for teaching. I would also like to extend a “thank you!” for allowing me to feel so welcome!

What is something that people might not know about you that you would like to share?  
I am a Mom to three amazing children: Hannah, 19 and studying at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Reid, 16 and getting taller daily and driving (eeks!), and Leif, 14 and playing as much basketball as he can. My husband, Bernie is a Presbyterian minister and our whole family (including our little dog, Teebo) is loving the west coast vibe and activity!

What is your favourite book of all time and why?
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is my all-time favourite read! I re-read this classic at least once every two years along with watching the BBC, Hollywood, Bollywood and modern web-based vodcast versions. My family can quote significant lines from the book and every Christmas, I am treated to a special Austen inspired gift – last year it was a mug that says “Mrs. Darcy”! I love this book for the strong, intelligent and quick-witted heroine, Elizabeth. She is flawed and often wrong but Elizabeth is quick to reflect and adjust. I am never away from home without an Austen novel in hand.

Employee Spotlight: Ross Petersen

We are pleased to introduce our new Employee Spotlight section where you have an opportunity to read from some of York House School’s newest additions.

Meet Ross Petersen, Science Teacher, Senior School

Ross Petersen, Science Teacher, Senior School
Ross Petersen, Science Teacher, Senior School

What has impressed you most about the students at York House School?
The girls are appreciative of the efforts educators and staff make to enrich their learning. A “thank you” goes a long way in life, and demonstrates humility. At the end of every class, the girls pass on a “thank you” to the teacher. Positive feedback is under-emphasized in society, and when combined with great work habits and integrity, is quite progressive.

What inspires you most about the subject that you teach?
Everything! As you read this sentence, infinitesimally small chemicals are shutting across infinitesimally small cellular spaces in your brain, enabling you to translate these words, form ideas about the writer, and reflect. Science is about the pursuit of truth and meaning, and unraveling the mysteries of nature. The forever-discovery nature of science, when combined with the tranquility and inspiration of being in nature, makes science a seamless and inspirational fit pour moi.

What are you most looking forward to at York House in the coming months?
Building genuine relationships with staff and students. This is perhaps the best part of being an educator. Morning coffee, a casual high five, or smile in the hallway over a shared experience. I’m also excited to integrate these humanistic qualities with compelling activities and discussions in and out of the classroom. Last but not least: as per the grade 8s, “some more explosions” too.

What is something that people might not know about you that you would like to share?
Bowl cut, freckles and an Indiana Jones… leather… fanny-pack. Go team.

What is your favourite book of all time and why?
The truth is, I have read one traditional book in my life. I believe it was called “Terror at the Zoo.” I read it in Grade 5 as a choice read in a mandatory reading block. But yes, I do read non-fiction in the form of academic research papers. At some juncture, I may become the novel type. Maybe. But for now, hiking and science journals bring me inspiration.