On the morning of February 24th and 27th, a nice smell started to come all the way up to the Junior School. What was that? It came from Mira’s kitchen where Mme Céline was baking croissants. It was time for the “Café-Théâtre”, the famous Grade 5 French show that every family looks forward to!
The Grade 5 parents were invited to join their daughters in the Bentley Room, which was turned into a Parisian café with lovely accordion music playing in the background to set the mood. A team of waitresses were ready to serve food and drinks en français before the parents enjoyed watching a play in French called “Un frère pénible” (an annoying brother).
It was so much fun for the girls to serve their parents and to see everyone socializing with a bit of French in the air! The girls then surprised their parents by singing “L’oiseau et l’enfant”, an award-winning song about how wonderful the world is. The singing was beautiful and the parents loved it. What a great show! It can’t get better than this beautiful performance. Well… it did! The girls had made a funny Kahoot quiz to test their parents’ French (Kahoot is an interactive and competitive quiz that we use in class for learning). You should have seen the families competing against each other and getting hooked on this game!
Thank you for all the Grade 5 students for making this show so memorable. Hard work always pays off.
Mme Céline