Benchball House Tournament Results!
Do you work out? If so, chances are high you have experienced High Intensity Interval Training, also known as HIIT. HIIT workouts are great for maximal health benefits in a short period of time. Coincidentally, did you also know that our Junior School Benchball Tournament is also a HIIT workout? It wasn’t planned that way; however, the round-robin format, with 10-minute games, led to some seriously intense and epic battles between each house. Each battle was followed by a short rest, and then another awesome game. A perfect HIIT workout.
At the end of the two-day tournament, it was Blue who emerged victorious. They were followed by Yellow, Red and Green. Teachers and House Captains were all very impressed with the effort that each grade put forward. Throughout the tournament, our gymnasium was full of smiles, shouts, laughs, and good music. With the number of students who have asked for yet another tournament, it is safe to say that our 2021 House Tournaments have been a… HIIT.
Athletics Explained Coffee Morning (Grade 2 and up): Thurs. May 20 at 9:00 am:
At YHS, Athletics formally begins in Grade 3, and for many students it continues all the way through Grade 12. Participating in sport is a wonderful opportunity to build physical literacy skills, self-efficacy, and independence. However, the beginning of the journey is not just for athletes, it is also the initial school athletic experience for parents. Naturally, this means questions, and lots of them.
To help parents get a great start in Athletics, we are hosting an Athletics Explained Coffee Morning. We invite all Grade 2 parents who are interested. It is also open to parents from any grade who may be interested. With the pandemic causing massive interruptions to school sports for the past year and a half, there may be many questions about a school athletic season.
Athletics Explained Coffee Morning – Grade 2 and up
- Thursday, May 20, 2021
- 9:00 am
- Log in to myYHS for the Google Meet link