Grade 3s & New Students Officially Welcomed to Houses

The long-standing tradition of joining a House in Grade 3 is a very exciting moment for our students. On September 23rd, all of our Grade 4-7 students gathered on the field in their respective Houses. The Grades 3s, plus a handful of new students, lined up on one side of the field. On the other side of the field was a paper bag with their name on it. After a small speech by Mr. Jackson, we counted down and the students ran across the field, and tore open their bags to reveal their new House Shirt! The students put on their new shirts, gathered at a cone near their new House, and heard the following cheer:

“We have spirit, yes we do! We have spirit, we WANT YOU!!!”

With screams of delight, the new students officially joined their Houses: Arbutus, Pine, Cypress, and Maple! They are already showing their Yorkie spirit! 

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